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Checking out celebrity diets - Jennifer Aniston

I know most of you have been waiting for this one (mostly from the email requests!) so I figured I would move it up in the ranks. Jennifer Aniston has captured America’s heart since FRIENDS and it seems as though she just gets more popular year by year! And more in shape, might I add! So today we’re gonna take a look at what fuels the fire for the fabulous megastar, Jennifer Aniston!



Well folks, this is the first time a celebrity has attributed most of her/his success in eating to a specific diet. And in the case of Jennifer Aniston, it’s all because of the Zone Diet, according to Healthy Hollywood!

“Jennifer has credited the Zone Diet with completely reforming her eating habits. It was really a lifestyle change for her.”

A brief recap of what the Zone Diet is for those of you haven’t had any experience with it (AOL Health, Celebrity Diet and Fitness):

“On this plan, Jennifer would aim to have her diet consist of 40 percent carbohydrates, 30 percent protein, and 30 percent fat. The Zone’s founder claims this ratio will rev your metabolism.”

Now, I know what most of you are saying at this point… ‘That doesn’t sound very Paleo!!” and you know what, you’re absolutely right! In this case, carbs are the lion’s share in Jennifer Aniston’s meal plan. Well, that brings up a very good point that I need to touch on. There’s always more than one way to go about staying in shape, that’s for sure. However, I find it odd that even though Jennifer has been a known user and spokeswoman of the Zone Diet which is comprised of 40% carb intake, it’s been said that (Diet’s in Review):

“[Jennifer Aniston] credits the diet for working for her mind, body and lifestyle as she shuns bad carbs.”

I agree with shunning bad carbs, but I highly doubt that Jennifer Aniston would be able to eat 40% of her daily caloric intake on fruits and vegetables alone.

As very notable health and fitness bloggers have shown us (like Rusty Moore in his article titled High Insulin Levels Stop Fat Loss and Cause Weight Gain) diets high in carbs will more than likely lead to weight gain rather than weight loss. Not to mention the fact that they can lead to a greater instance of diseases such as heart disease, and quite possibly, cases of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) as recently outlined in Mark Sisson’s post called Grain Pains!

Here’s a link to Jennifer Aniston’s workout routine!

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Diet secrets of the Stars

Hollywood's dirty diet secrets

Nowadays, it's hard to find much body fat in Hollywood. Today's stars are slim and toned, whittled to within an inch of their lives.

When pressed about their slimming secrets, celebrities often rave about their "good genes," their affection for junk food, or just declare that their secret to staying thin is running around after their children. But here's what you should know: A lot of them are lying.

Celebrity trainer Gunnar Peterson, who has trained Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lopez and Penelope Cruz, says: "I had one actress training with me four times a week in addition to daily exercise-bike classes."

When asked how she'd "transformed" her body, her reply was, " 'Oh, I do yoga and hike with my dog,' " he said. "It makes me laugh," said Peterson. So the next time you see a pin-thin celebrity brag about her relaxed approach to eating, remember this:


When Lindsay Lohan was arrested on suspicion of drunken driving, police said they found cocaine in her pocket. Paris Hilton recently admitted to talk host Larry King that she takes Adderall for attention-deficit disorder. Both drugs are often used by women looking to lose weight. Hollywood's party girls always seem to have access to certain drugs known to help shed pounds.

At the moment, Adderall is the latest diet-drug craze in Hollywood. The number of celebrities addicted to it continues to rise. Female celebrities recently arrested - from Paris to Nicole Richie, from Lindsay to Britney Spears - all reportedly have used prescription Adderall. It keeps you awake while killing the appetite.

For the jet-setting, hard-partying girl, it has become the miracle pill - but one with potentially dangerous consequences. Even when taken as instructed, Adderall can cause psychotic episodes, depression and serious heart problems.

Eating-disorder expert Carolyn Costin, who has treated many Hollywood actresses, says she has even seen a rise in "the drugs used for attention deficit being crumpled up and snorted."

Some celebrities also take Clenbuterol, known as Clen. Commonly prescribed to treat respiratory problems in horses, in humans it can cause fat loss.

While Clenbuterol and Adderall create a slimming effect in the short term, after a while users may have sudden and uncontrollable weight gain.

After disrupting a person's natural metabolism, the drugs sometimes stop working.

Manhattan-based trainer Justin Gelband, who works with catwalk and catalogue models, says: "Diet pills and steroids are huge right now. After Kate Moss was caught supposedly doing coke, the modeling agencies started to crack down on girls using hard-core drugs like cocaine and heroin to stay slim.